Steganography using STEGHIDE

Steganography using STEGHIDE

In this post, we will learn about "STEGHIDE". There are various steganography tools available in the digital world but, the differentiation between them are that it uses a variety of algorithms to encrypt the data. Moreover, Steghide supports to hide data behind any image(jpg/jpeg/png/gif/bmp), audio (mp3/wav), excel, etc.

What is "Steganography"?

Steganography comprised of two Greek words: steganos meaning "covered" and graphein meaning "to write" that means "sheltered writing" or "concealed writing". It is a method that attempts to hide the existence of message or communication. This idea of data hiding is not new; it has been used for centuries all across the world under different regimes.  

In digital steganography, electronic communications may incorporate steganographic coding inside of a transport layer, such as a document file, picture file, program etc. Message of communication originator can begin with a harmless picture and make few alterations to it in order to hide data, so that, this alteration goes unnoticed for someone who is not particularly seeking out for it


1. Compression and Encryption of embedded data with password protection

2. Support for JPEG, BMP, WAV and AU files

3. Decryption of data

4. Support various algorithms for encryption

5. Support data emending and extraction. 

6. Embedding of a checksum to verify the integrity of the extracted data


Here, we go with Kali Linux…. But, If you want to go with Windows OS please click the link below to download :

STEP 1 – Installation : Open your terminal (Alt+ Ctrl + T) and type the following command to download and install Steghide 

apt-get install steghide

For help type:

steghide --help

STEP-2: Embedding Data behind any other content (E.g. image, audio file ...)

Here we have two files, 1) text (.txt) file and  2) image (.jpeg)  file. Our aim is to hide the text file behind the image file.

steghide embed -ef <select file to be embedded> -cf <select cover-file>

After that you may delete the text file as it is already hidden now behind the image. Now in the next step we will extract back the text file from image file.

STEP-3: Extraction of data - Open terminal and type the following command

steghide extract -sf <select stego file>

 Enter password which you provide at the emending time

STEP-4: To get the details of embed and files type the following command:

steghide info <cover- or stego-file> 

It will display information about a cover- or stego-file

Compression Mode

If we want to compress your file before hiding/embed it then we would select/use compression option.. The compression level can vary from 1 to 9. The first level gives you speed to compress whereas, at 9th level, it will provide you with the best compression techniques.

steghide embed -ef <select file to be embedded> -cf <select cover-file> -z <using level l> 

Where 1 best speed while 9 best compression

Encrypting Algorithms

We can encrypt our data that we are going to want to hide by using encryption techniques, and this can be easily achieved by:

steghide embed -ef <select file to be embedded> -cf <select cover-file> -e <specify an encryption algorithm and/or mode>

If you want more detailed descriptions please read the man(ual) page.

There are two GUI alternative similar to steghide software. 

  1.  Stegosuite - for Kali/Ubuntu

  2.  Steghide UI - for Windows









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